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A BIG THANK YOU!! - 26 Oct 2020


Updated: Dec 20, 2022

Dear Industry Professionals, Late Wednesday night I was informed by the Interim Establishment Council that the submission presented by the NZ Boards of Professional Skin Therapies and lodged with the TEC and CCRT.iEB under Ministry of Education for re-categorisation of beauty therapy, to be moved to Allied Health was approved. From when we were informed that the cut-off date for any submission changes would close on the 9 th October, we had only five [5] working days to turn this decision around. Thanks to the passionate therapists in our industry who work so hard to promote and provide professional, ethical, and therapeutic treatments to the public, you all responded to our call. After our appeal to industry via our newsletter and posts went out, we were inundated with objections from all sectors of the beauty industry. Your message was loud, clear, and strong. You wanted to come under Allied Health in the Health category. This is a momentous achievement for our skin therapy industry, as the NZ Board of Professional Skin Therapies is the first industry representatives to change a major Government decision. For the first time in fifty [50] years, we are finally starting to be recognised for the great work we do. We will be able to grow and not stagnate, we can strengthen our standards and raise the bar to where it should be and by doing so reduce the injuries and complaints received from the public. This is just the beginning. As this is a new announcement, there are many things to fine tune. However, over the next two [2] years we will have the opportunity to work with WDC and help develop a training scheme that promotes best practice and produces therapists fit for purpose. On behalf of NZBPST, I would like to thank each and every one of you for your involvement and support. Remember, you are the industry and by supporting us, the NZ Board, can represent you and make further changes to strengthen and grow our profession and protect you. Please continue that support with your feedback, suggestions, and membership contributions, as the money from your fees helps us to reinvest it back into your careers. So, therapists, together lets raise our wonderful industry up to where it belongs. As a caring, unbiased professionally run organisation we will always have your back and deliver the information and the facts to you as soon as they become available. For more information please visit our website: Kind regards, Julie Martin Founder and Chair NZBPST 02102294638

Posted: Mon 26 Oct 2020

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