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H&S Guidelines




The primary mission of the Board is to ensure that the therapies we provide to our clients are safe, hygienic and ethical. Many of the treatments and advanced therapies carry risks of infection (for clients, staff and the public), permanent tissue damage or disfigurement.

Our guidelines are, and will continue to be, based on evidence based best practice that will evolve with the therapies and treatments we offer. It is intended that there will be a dedicated sub-committee of the board charged with their maintenance with a full review every 2 -3 years. The current (draft) version of the guidelines were developed in response to the growing number of complaints over increasing infections and damage to the public in our unregulated beauty industry.

Recognition by NZ authorities


A key goal will be for our guidelines to be accepted by NZ authorities and health regulators as the basis for a nationally consistent set of by-laws and that the Board will be consulted by Councils, Health authorities and Occupational Health and Safety legislators when creating or revising legal standards.

The guidelines provide general health and hygiene standards for premises, equipment, pre and post treatment. There are specific sections for each of the various specialties (e.g. Manicure / Pedicure, Dermabrasion, Tattooing).



​NZBPST exists to promote the highest standard in Skin Therapy practice.  We have developed a Code of Ethics which we expect our members to uphold.


  1. Members will uphold  the dignity and honour of the profession, to enhance its standing and its reputation with the public.

  2. All members will be honest in their professional relationships with the public and fellow professionals.

  3. Members recognize the importance of continuing education to improve their knowledge and skills though appropriately recognised training.

  4. A member will always work within the boundaries of their qualifications and not overstate their capabilities or expertise.

  5. Members will respect and adhere to the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights

  6. Members will respect the confidentiality and privacy of their clients.

  7. Members  must facilitate the fair, simple, speedy, and efficient resolution of complaints for  the best possible resolution for all parties

Code of Ethics


As a major skin therapy industry stakeholder, the NZ Board of Professional Skin Therapies provides a complaints service to assist both professionals in the skin therapy industry and our customers to access information, advice, and support when they wish to report substandard training, equipment, or an adverse incident.


All complaints are treated in strict confidence.  Our process and support services are provided by experienced trained professionals who offer unbiased, ethical support and information and endeavor to facilitate amicable remediation, prevention and education.


Each complaint is treated on a case-by-case and legal advice may be recommended.  For more information on our service or to completes the complaint form select the button below.

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Complaints Process

ISICC Pandemic Infection Control Program

The ISICC is an internationally recognised qualification and is in operation in 6 other countries around the world. This course was developed by Professor Laurance Walsh, a leading researcher in clinical microbiology, biofilm ecology, biocides, and clinical infection control from Australia who received the Office of the Order of Australia and sits on numerous regulatory bodies including Standards Australia.

This qualification demonstrates that you support a global standard of safety and are educated and proficient in understanding Covid-19 related hygiene and safety measures necessary to ensure your therapists, staff, and clients are being treated in a safe environment. These standards complement our NZ-specific Health and Hygiene Guidelines.


This programme is FOC to members or $145 + GST to non-members.







Disclaimer: The programme is hosted by our partner NZ Laser Training Institute Ltd.  As such your details including your name, phone number, and email, will be transferred to their database for the purpose of managing your enrolment with them.  Every care and attention is taken in protecting your personal information under the New Zealand Privacy Act. 1993.   Your academic training record will be held at NZ Laser Training Institute Ltd on behalf of the NZ Board of Professional Skin Therapies.

Pandemic Infecton Control
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