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Covid-19 Level 3 Alert Bulletin - Update ATTENTION! April 2020

Hi Valued beauty Professional, We are still in Level 4 LOCKDOWN. Here is the latest Covid-19 Alert 4 notification: Please note: all information given out by NZBPST has come directly from the NZ Government, the Prime Minister, the Governor General of Health and appropriate medical sources. Overview of the latest information: COVID-19 is a challenge like we have never seen before. The Governments goal is to eliminate COVID-19 from New Zealand, so that we can live and work free from this disease. This is the best thing we can do for our people, our communities, and our economy. We attacked the disease early and hard by going into lockdown or Alert Level 4. This has put us in a good position to eliminate the disease, bank those gains and to get ready to transition to Alert Level 3. When this decision is made, it will be because we have transmission under control and can tolerate a little more risk. Getting this far has required a collective effort by every New Zealander. We are all making extraordinary sacrifices to protect the people, communities, businesses and traditions we care about. Thank you. We will not risk going to Alert Level 3 too early. We will move when we have met four criteria:

  • We know that community transmission is under control, and the transmission rate is very low.

  • We have robust measures at the border stopping new infection.

  • We have tracing and testing capacity to shut down any new outbreak.

  • We have supplies for, and capacity, in the health system.

  • It is vital that everyone knows we are still under Alert Level 4, and all Alert Level 4 restrictions remain in place.

Under Alert Level Three we will still have significant restrictions on our day-to-day lives. The risk of COVID-19 will have diminished, but not gone away. If we are successful in controlling COVID-19 under Alert Level 3 we will be able to move down to Alert Level 2, where there are far fewer restrictions. Workers and businesses: Most, but not all businesses can start to open under Alert Level 3. They must take health measures to keep their workers safe.

  • Workers must work from home if they can

  • Workplaces must operate safely – keeping one metre between workers, recording who is working together, limiting interaction between groups of workers, disinfecting surfaces, and maintaining high hygiene standards

  • Retail and hospitality businesses can only open for delivery and contactless pre-ordered pick up – customers cannot enter stores

  • Supermarkets, dairies and petrol stations can continue to allow customers into their stores, with the same restrictions and measures in place as Alert Level 4

  • Businesses cannot offer services which involve face-to-face contact or sustained close contact (e.g. hairdressing, massage, house cleaning, or door-to-door salespeople)

  • Other in-home services can be delivered if it is safe to do so (like tradespeople for repairs or installations) – keep two metre separation from those in the house

  • Most workers will not require PPE to stay safe at work. Incorrectly used PPE can create more risk. Good hygiene measures like hand washing with soap and water, physical distancing, sneeze and cough etiquette, and wiping down surfaces is the best defence against COVID-19.

More detailed guidance for sectors will be made over the coming days. When will businesses that involve close personal contact be allowed to open? Right now, the risk of transmission from people providing services that require close personal contact (e.g. hairdressers, manicurists, beauticians, domestic cleaners, personal trainers, gymnasiums) is too great. These businesses can resume under Alert Level 2 , with appropriate health measures in place. Staying safe and well. At every alert level people should take measures to stay safe and well:

  • Regularly disinfect surfaces

  • Wash and dry your hands thoroughly and regularly

  • Don’t touch your face

  • Stay home if you are sick

  • Get tested for COVID-19 if you have flu like symptoms – call your GP or Healthline

  • Continue to seek primary medical care

To all beauty industry followers:

  • The message is keep preparing for going back to work

  • Watch for NZBPST’s new letter for hands on help

  • Watch our sites for an upcoming Skin Cancer webinar

As always if you need advice, help or clarification around anything that has been reported please contact us directly. So, from NZBPST stay focused, happy, connected and informed. Kind regards Julie Martin

Posted: Thu 16 Apr 2020

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