Dear Valued Therapists,
Just as the year was starting to pick up momentum, things are again in flux due to the Omicron outbreak. We know this is a very difficult time for members, their staff, and the industry as a whole. We would like to thank the many therapists who have contacted us for advice and support with COVID-19 queries. Please know we are here to support you, so get in touch if you need us. We are here to inform, support, protect and advise.
Remember to Like and Follow our Facebook page for the latest news and updates as they come to hand:
In this issue
NEW Industry Magazine – Beauty Forum
Reform of Vocational Education (RoVE) Review
Have Your Say About Future Beauty Education and Training
COVID-19 Updates
NEW Student Membership Available
Beauty Forum Magazine
Our industry’s newest publication, Beauty Forum, has just launched! This is an independent publication with industry news and updates, including contributions from us here at the NZ Board of Professional Skin Therapies and the NZ Laser Training Institute. Beauty Forum is a modern glossy fully digital magazine.
Click here to read the first edition.
Reform of Vocational Education (ROVE) Review
One of the main industry changes is the development of a new educational structure for present and future therapists. For many already qualified and established businesses who don’t think these changes affect them, please think again.
Education and knowledge are everything. It forms the solid foundations of any occupation and is the basis on which an industry grows strong, forms their identity, skills and reputation to government agencies, organisations, and the public.
Last year Julie dealt with some of the most serious complaints our industry has ever received: hospitalisations, surgeries, permanent and semi-permanent disfigurations, and infections. Already on her desk this year are three new serious complaints.
The main common denominator is that these incidents occurred through lack of knowledge and skill to perform the treatments. This demonstrates we need to evaluate our current education regime and identify our weaknesses and rectify them before an even more serious event occurs.
Since last year the Board has been meeting with Toitū te Waiora (Education, Health and Social Services) Workforce Development Council and NZQA. We hope to provide updates on this work in the next newsletter.
If you would like further background information on the skill standards and national curriculum co-design process, you can check it out here.
Have Your Say About Future Beauty Education and Training!
The Education, Health and Social Services Workforce Development Council is undertaking an educational review into beauty industry qualifications to ensure they meet the needs of the beauty industry now and into the future. They want to hear from clinic owners (big and small), students and therapists as part of the review.
We encourage you to complete the Toitū te Waiora Consultation Survey by 31 March 2022. Please give feedback on what you think of industry’s current training framework and qualifications, and how they work or don’t work for you as an employer, therapist, or student.
In the best interests of our profession, the Board asks that everyone engages with the RoVE developments and contributes to this work.
If you have any queries about the review, please contact Ashley Acklin or Sara Goff or us here at
COVID-19 Updates
We are now in Phase 3 of the Omicron Response which means case numbers are forecast to rise sharply during the next few weeks. Phase 3 is designed to keep New Zealand going throughout the Omicron peak, and to ease pressure on testing and contact tracing services over the next 3 - 6 weeks, while helping to ensure critical services and supply chains remain operational and the economy keeps moving.
Recommendations for Phase 3:
Get your Booster and ensure your staff do also. Vaccination is the best way to protect you, your staff, clients, and business. Not only are you much less likely to need hospital care, but evidence shows it lowers the likelihood of getting infected and transmitting COVID-19 to others.
Make an Isolation Plan. Do you have enough food and medications? Are your prescriptions up to date? What about pet food and supplies?
Check whether you are eligible for the latest Covid Support Payments for businesses (see below).
Understand the changes to Testing, Isolation, and Contact Tracing in Phase 3.
Make a Covid contingency plan with staff about what to do if they become a close contact or test positive.
Maintain your Pandemic Response Plan procedures.
COVID Support Payments for Businesses
A new targeted COVID Support Payment will be made available for businesses struggling with revenue during the Omicron outbreak.
Applications for the first payment open on February 28, with payments starting from 1 March.
Each COVID Support Payment will be $4000 per business plus $400 per full-time employee, capped at 50 FTEs or $24,000. This is the same rate as the most recent Transition Payment.
Payments will be available on a fortnightly basis for 6 weeks, with 3 payments in total. This reflects the international experience that the peak of the Omicron outbreak should pass after about 6 weeks. Government will continue to closely monitor the situation and have the option to extend the payment if this is necessary.
Businesses must show a 40 percent drop in 7 consecutive days within the 6 weeks prior to the shift to Phase 2 of the Omicron response on February 15, compared to 7 days after that date.
Latest update: There will now be 2 time periods against which you can compare your current revenue to be eligible for the payment. The original period (5 January 2022 to 15 February 2022) and an alternative option of 5 January 2021 to 15 February 2021. The alternative option covers a period when all of New Zealand was at Alert Level 1.
Changes are also being made to the Small Business Cashflow Loans Scheme to increase the amount of funding available to eligible businesses through the introduction of a ‘top up’ loan. The top up loan will allow those firms that have already accessed a loan to draw down an additional $10,000 with a new repayment period of 5 years and the first 2 years being interest free.
Any businesses struggling to pay tax because of the impacts of COVID should log on to myIR to see if they can delay starting payments to a later date, or if any part of the tax could be written off. Inland Revenue can help with both GST and provisional tax due.
COVID-19 Printed Materials
Are your Covid Posters looking a little worse for wear? You can order free Covid-19 printed materials for your business. These include Posters and decal stickers with your business QR code.
Check out the online catalogue and have the resources delivered direct to you.
Student Membership
We recognise students are our future therapists, which is why we’re offering a new Student Membership with NZ Board of Professional Skin Therapies.
We recognise the importance of instilling pride in the industry and understanding professional standards and ethical principles. This all starts at the beginning of training and by becoming a part of a professional organisation.
The discounted membership rate is only $50.00 per year ($4.16 per month).
Students will receive the following:
All member communications, including newsletters, bulletins, and alert messages.
The new industry magazine, Beauty Focus.
Access to all members discount packages – perfect for setting up in business.
ISICC Pandemic Infection Control Program, an international online infection prevention course valued at $145. This course provides students with an internationally recognised industry qualification.
Copies of our Health and Hygiene Guidelines
Code of Ethics
Pandemic Response Plan
Student Membership Certificate
Free support and advice
A confidential go-to place for counselling on industry issues.
Note: Student membership excludes voting rights.
We would also be interested in having a student representative on our governance committee. If you are keen, please get in touch at .
Please consider joining us
If you find these newsletter of benefit, please remember the time and cost it takes to do this, So maybe it’s time to make a donation, or better still, join a proactive organisation that has the initiative to think ahead and implement action to grow and change our industry together.
For any further assistance please email ( or phone the NZBPST for advice.
Kind regards,
Julie Martin
Chair NZ Board of Professional Skin Therapies E: M: 021 02294638 W:
Posted: Tue 01 Mar 2022