Dear Valued Skin Professional,
On Thursday 5th November, CEO, Kay Nelson from HITO invited NZBPST to a zoom meeting to discuss industry’s position and where we will sit under the WDC in the Reform Vocational Education [RoVE].
Present at the meeting were:
Ministry of Education
David Waters WDC Health, Community and Social Services, chaired meeting
Victoria Spackman Interim Establishment Board
Kay Nelson
Debbie Hawkins
The Hairdressing Association
Niq James
Julie Martin
Paula Morris
Ruth Nicholson
Yolandi Jacobs [lost internet connection]
Oonagh Wolfkamp
Michaella Messenger
Louise Grey
Kim Ryan
On Friday 5th October, WDC received a submission from the NZ Board of Professional Skin Therapies for re-categorisation of our industry from Creativity, Culture, Recreation and Technology to Health, Community and Social Services.
The purpose of the latest zoom meeting was to make sure we in industry were all aware of the implications of our category choice once the WDC is established.
After a discussion to which category would best represent us, we realised that there was not a perfect fit, although all WDC categories were of the same quality.
What was relevant was where we wanted to be positioned and identified further down the track. In the past our industry has been identified as beauty, nail painting and make up. Now we need to be recognised by everyone for what we really do.
We treat our largest organ the skin and body.
As skin therapists, our training overlaps into many other health related professions. As we have current regulations and requirements under the Health Act, WorksafeNZ and Health and Hygiene Bylaws, NZBPST has always maintained we should be under the Health, Community and Social Services category.
Another part of the discussion was how to categorise the varying modalities within our industry and whether to split beauty [skin therapies] between the two WDC categories.
As quoted from WDC in response to our submission from 16/10/20,
“We will need to ensure that we find clear language to describe the skin therapy parts of the sector so that it is very clear to people which skills come under Health etc and which ones are with CCRT." A response was returned.
Victoria stated that she was disappointed that nail technicians were only mentioned once in our submission. She had hope for a stronger voice from that modality. We explained that most beauty therapists were also trained in manicures and pedicures, however she wanted to hear from the nail industry itself.
In a pre-meeting email from Kay Nelson, Kay stated the following.…
As the current gazetted standard setting body, we have 9 Beauty qualifications up for review in 2021, four of which cover the makeup, film and nail industries (NZ certificate in Makeup and Skin Care (Introduction) (L3), NZ Certificate in Performance Makeup and Prosthetics (L4), NZ Certificate in Makeup Artistry (L4) and NZ Certificate in Nail Technology (L4). The other qualifications are, NZ Certificate in Beauty Therapy (L4), NZ Diploma in Beauty Therapy (L5), NZ Certificate in Spa Therapy (L5), NZ Certificate in Specialised Epilation Therapy (L6).
The next question was do we split our industry and have advanced beauty therapy [skin therapy] under Health and lower level beauty therapy [skin therapy] courses, nails, makeup artistry, hairdressing and barbering under creative?
In the meeting NZBPST recommended that nails should also come under Health.
The reason being that although the end result was creative and beautiful, what lay underneath could be something quite different. With the majority of complaints from the public being infection and trauma-based and coupled with the high contagion rate of nail infection and diseases, it is essential that the knowledge and practices learnt by nail technicians reflected the seriousness of the risks to public health.
Paula Morris pointed out that all beauty therapy [skin therapy] training levels should be categorised under Health and I voiced my agreement and the need to offer consistency between lower level courses and advanced courses as technologies were evolving at a rapid rate.
NZBPST pointed out that beauty therapy [skin therapy] and hairdressing have evolved into two very different professions and need to be identified as such.
Michealla Messenger agreed and recommended that the beauty therapy [skin therapy] modalities should not be split as it was too confusing for industry and the public to understand.
Therefore, NZBPST firmly believes that the request for WDC to re-categorise all beauty therapy and nail courses [skin therapies] under Health, and makeup artistry, prosthetics, film, hairdressing, barbering under Creative [CCRT] was the correct one.
As far as NZQA is concerned HITO will still be responsible for completing the qualification review next year, and HITO will remain the standard setting body until such time as the new WDC’s are up and running with the capability and the capacity to take on the standard setting role.
The WDC’s role is to set standards, develop qualifications and help shape the curriculum of vocational education. They will moderate assessments against industry standards and, where appropriate, set, and moderate capstone assessments at the end of a qualification. However, that part is a long way down the track as the WDC’s have not been established yet and we will have an opportunity to address course content later.
During the meeting, David pointed out that it was a requirement by law, that the views of industry be expressed via the consultation process before the Minister of Education could mandate any changes.
At the end of the meeting Kay conceded to support whichever option industry decided on.
The next step is to reply to WDC and before we do that, we want anybody who is not happy with how hairdressing and beauty therapy [skin therapies] is divided between the two categories to contact me immediately with your feedback.
Once these changes have been mandated, it will be extremely difficult if not impossible to change.
The NZ Board of Professional Skin Therapies wishes to thank all the submitters for their wonderful support.
If there is a lesson to be learnt from this experience it is, if you do not recognise and value who you are and what you do, no one else will. By being unified and supporting us we were able to convey your message and represent you.
NZBPST will continue to stand and be your voice to ensure that correct decisions are made, and your best interests are protected for the future.
Kind regards
Julie Martin
Founder and Chair
Posted: Sun 04 Oct 2020