New Zealand Board of Professional Skin Therapies Industry Petition
Petition to the Minister of Education on behalf the New Zealand Board of Professional Skin Therapies to request that the proposed Order in Council for the Health, Community and Social Services Workforce Development Council contains explicit responsibilities with respect to ensuring the effectiveness of training and education programmes.
We the undersigned, support the NZBPST [ NZ Board of Professional Skin Therapies] in requesting that:
⦁ The Order in Council Proposal for the Establishment of the Health, Community and Social Services Workforce Development Council be amended to provide effective and consistent enforcement of the development, standard setting, and programme endorsement of training programmes as required under Section 366 [b to h] of the Education and Training Act
⦁ The industry title of “Beauty Therapy” be renamed “Skin Therapy” to,
⦁ be more reflective that the nature of treatments is to improve skin health and wellbeing, and
⦁ avoid the pejorative implication that without such therapy a person is not considered aesthetically pleasing
Please scan or photograph this page with signatures to by 1st February 2021.
Please download the full document for use in your clinic:
Petition Template
Do personal Submissions here:
Please watch your inbox, Our Website and Facebook page for more information as we work through this process.
If you need some assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us
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We look forward to you supporting our industry with the choices you make.
We can only do this together!
Kind regards
Julie Martin
Chair - NZBPST
Posted: Mon 11 Jan 2021