Tēnā koutou
We are pleased to advise that Expressions of Interest are now invited from industry leaders with significant governance experience who want to play a part in leading the industry led Workforce Development Councils and creating new futures for all learners.
We are seeking Council members for the following Workforce Development Councils:
Construction and Infrastructure
Creative, Cultural, Recreation and Technology
Health, Community and Social Services
Manufacturing, Engineering and Logistics
Primary Industries
Service Industries
We are looking for candidates who:
are respected industry leaders and who can think strategically about, and respond to, the needs of the breadth of sectors represented by a Workforce Development Council
have significant governance experience as well as excellent communication and collaboration skills, and a commitment to the kaupapa of the Workforce Development Councils
are of whakapapa Māori and can bring significant cultural competence and networks, including those with experience from within Māori employer or employee groups
can demonstrate support from industry associations, membership bodies, iwi and Māori authorities, or other relevant groups, and, or, have Union or employee group endorsement.
Details about the roles, including an information pack are available on https://amytea.co.nz/wdc/ The appointment of Council members is running concurrently with the legislative processes to legally establish the Workforce Development Councils. The secondary legislation, the Orders in Council, will progress through the legislative processes and once passed, the Council member appointments to the Workforce Development Councils can be confirmed. This is targeted to be in the middle of this year. Applications for these important governance roles close on Friday 16 April 2021. Please advise your networks of this exciting opportunity. Note: this Expression of Interest process is separate from the recent process for Nominations and Appointments committee members. The Expression of Interest period for Nominations and Appointments committee members is now closed. Ngā mihi, WDC Team Reform of Vocational Education ProgrammeE: WDCs@tec.govt.nz PO Box 27-048, Wellington, New Zealand www.tec.govt.nz
Posted: Wed 31 Mar 2021