This EHO report outlines the current regulatory state of the appearance industries within New Zealand, namely the Tattooing, Skin Piercing and Beauty Therapy industries.
This report has been presented to the Health Minister and Ministry of Health staff recently as well, with initial conversations soon to be had with Ministry staff in follow-up to the report.
With government agencies wanting regulations for the beauty therapy industry, it is now all about, when, not if this will happen.
This is why the NZ Board of Professional Skin Therapies is pushing for joint industry and government control under the HPCAA, so our industry can regulate our own profession and make it fit for purpose.
Please provide us with a letter of support for this to happen. It’s imperative that we build an infrastructure, including registration processes, educational framework, support services [ to name some topics] so therapists are fit for purpose and industry organised.
Please contact:
M: 021 02294638