Hi Industry Professionals,
This year the Board has made many gains. One of the highlights has been our working relationship with Beauty Forum magazine. They have supported us by offering their services in helping to communicate information to the general populace of our industry. From the beginning of its publication, the magazine has gone from strength to strength with major brands, lates trends, courses, products, and educational information. With a central news outlet, Beauty Forum is fast becoming the publication to be seen in and to read.
So, stop missing out, and contact Dianne for your next free issue of Beauty Forum e-magazine - email Dianne@professionalbeauty.nz
In this newsletter we will be sharing the following,
Laser Clinic breaches the Health and Disability Commission Act
Toitu te Waiora (Health WDC) Advisory Group
Toitu te Waiora (Health WDC) Roadshow
Enzyme exfoliants- Why they are so good
Laser clinic breaches the Health and Disability Commission Act
Another laser clinic has been found guilty by Health and Disability Commission of failing to provide duty of care to their client and failed to have staff sufficiently trained to provide information on the treatment and machines they were using. (HDC Case 19HDC00698). Therapists come within the Jurisdiction of the Health and Disability Commission Act and must provide duty of care and ensure that clients are suitably informed of their treatment, how treatments work, what to expect and experience during the procedure and homecare instructions. This is essential so the client can make an informed decision as to whether they wish to proceed with the treatment or not. It is best practise to request the client to sign a consent form as evidence of this. As an employer, you must also ensure that staff are sufficiently trained and qualified to conduct the treatment provide as ultimately you can held responsible for any incidents that occur in your salon (vicarious liability).
Toitu te Waiora (Health WDC) Advisory Group Toitu te Wairoa is in the process of establishing a beauty sector advisory group to formulate the structure and content of Tertiary qualifications for the industry.
15 industry experts will be chosen from across all disciplines within the beauty sector to become part of this group. Appointees will be appointed based on their experience, understanding of industry and/or learner needs relating to qualifications and standards. We will bring you information on who has been picked for this working group as this information comes to hand.
Toitu te Waiora (Health WDC) Roadshow Over the next six months, Toitu te Waiora will be holding 25 meetings across the country to discuss how they can partner with the communities to help transform education, and support workforce development from regional stories, knowledge, and experiences. So please make time to attend meetings in your area and express what you want to see developed to make therapists fit for purpose. The current confirmed events are below:
Thursday 3rd November 2022 Ngati Kahungunu Taiwhenua Wairoa
Friday 4th November 2022 Hawkes Bay Hospital Education Centre Hastings Kahui
For more information, see https://www.toitutewaiora.nz/latest-news/te-hikoi-o-toitu-te-waiora-is-on-the-way/ or email Aby Adams Senior Portfolio Administrator – Kāhui Māori Te Hikoi o Toitū te Waiora Project Manager kahuimaori@toitutewaiora.nz
Enzymes, and Why They Are So Good With Summer almost upon us we need to be mindful of the potential harm that can be caused by excessive exfoliation and exposure to UV.
Our skin is our largest organ, it not only holds us together but acts as a gatekeeper to prevent important fluids from escaping while filtering the entry of good substances from harmful toxins. Therefore, it’s important for therapists to understand, the fine line between removing enough of the epidermis to aid good skin function and removing too much and compromising the water retention of the skin.
Whether you are contemplating micro exfoliation, exfoliation or a peel, considerations must be given to how this is achieved and what the best method and dept is to achieve desired outcomes.
Mechanical exfoliation scraps away at the skin surface, enzyme exfoliation digests dead skin cells without harming the living healthy ones. Enzymes do not strip the skin of natural oils which is crucial for menopausal and dry to dry sensitive skins while leaving the skin with a balanced Ph. Because enzymes are complete proteins, they can repair and stimulate cell renewal while removing dead cells from the skin surface. This allows for quicker absorption of skin friendly nutrients to pass the cell membrane and rejuvenate deeper layers of tissue.
So, when choosing your favourite exfoliant it’s important to match the action of the exfoliant with your client’s epidermal thickness, environment exposures and the time of year to exfoliate, existing moisture retention abilities and what you want to achieve for that skin type.
We welcome your support!
If you find our communications of benefit, please consider making a donation towards the time and cost involved, or better still, join the NZ Board of Professional Skin Therapies. Our organisation has the initiative to think ahead and implement action to grow and change our industry together.
For any further assistance please email admin@nzbpst.co.nz) or phone the NZBPST for advice.
Regards, Julie Martin Chair NZ Board of Professional Skin Therapies E: admin@nzbpst.co.nz M: 021 02294638 W: www.nzbpst.org
Posted: Mon 31 Oct 2022