Dear fellow skin professionals,
When Covid-19 first hit last year, the NZ Board of Professional Skin Therapies led the support for clinics and skin professionals providing Covid-19 bulletins, advise, mental health support, distributed the latest evidence-based updates and a Covid specific response plan for clinics.
With Covid here to stay, we must now better prepare ourselves for longer term recovery and adaptation to the “new normal”, and we do this through information and knowledge.
As a result of our continued relationships with MBIE, Ministry of Health and the Covid Response Team, I’m pleased to report they are encouraging the Board to continue with our infrastructure building, ongoing education and Covid support for industry.
In mid-November, the Board will be publishing a comprehensive Pandemic Health and Safety Pack with theoretical and practical applications, an industry “Go to guide” to help protect therapists and business owners in the best interests for public safety.
More immediately I’d like to address a point of confusion on the subject of clients experiencing unusual Inflammatory Response Reactions, to treatments post vaccination
The Boards Position Statement is,
After any vaccination it is normal to experience a stiff and/or tenderness of the muscles at the injection site. People may also experience a feeling of tiredness, malaise and/or headache which are all common side effects from a vaccine.
Reports of localised inflammatory response to treaments following vaccinations are different These are referring to a heightened sensitivity of the treated area of skin to an invasive or semi-invasive treatment when there normally isn’t one. This is because the body is adjusting to the vaccination.
Consequently, it is recommended that a two-week stand down be made after both vaccinations to allow the body to adjust to the vaccination and four weeks stand down for injectables.
Consultation and Consent Process Changes
Legislative requirements under the “Traffic Light” and vaccination mandates will mean that clinics will need to change their consultation and consent processes. The Pandemic Health and Safety Pack will provide template procedures to guide clinics through the new regime.
For members of the NZ Board of Professional Skin Therapies all this information along with our other protocols, procedures, member benefits, advice and support are free.
So maybe it’s time for you to join us so you can benefit from our knowledge and contacts, and we can invest in your future -
Kind regards, Julie Martin
Posted: Fri 05 Nov 2021